In my own words
I am thoroughly inspired by life and feel privileged that I have the skills to articulate my lessons and motivation into articles and essays for you to read. Here’s a collection of musings on everything from goal setting through to grieving.
Guide yourself into 2025
Yes it's coming at us fast, but don't throw in the towel on 2024 just yet! Trust me, it's never too late to create a bit of order on your emotions and an audit on what you've achieved. Read this simple pragmatic article on exactly how to guide yourself through it.
Make Monday’s More Meaningful
According to Forbes Health, an enormous 80% of all working professionals and over 90% of Millennial and Gen-Z workers suffer from what’s more recently been termed as the Sunday Scaries. That means that we spend one of our seven days worrying about the next day and then the day itself overwhelmed and at sea. That’s two days out of seven. It’s too sad! It’s surely something to challenge.
I failed my goals and here’s what I learnt
A six-week sabbatical. Six glorious golden weeks of sunshine, recuperation and reflection.
For sure, it was also a deep plunge into a 40-degree heatwave with four pumped kids and a medley of summer camp and social plans. But still... what an opportunity, an indulgent chapter to be cherished, especially as we’re all living with a shadow of lockdown legacy from not that many moons ago.
Be the Master of Your Own Routine
Simple advice on how to get the most from your days.
I’m on a mini mission to create a few shorter articles. As much as I love to tinker about with words, I also want to share my perspective in a more succinct way, to make for a punchier read. So, let’s go! I posted about ‘routine’ on Instagram last week and was sent some really engaging messages afterwards. The resounding sentiment was ‘thank you, I know, and I need to get back into a routine, my life’s much better when I have one’.
How to get a better night’s sleep
One of the most important therapies in times of flux, and certainly nature’s finest, is deep nourishing sleep. Sleep enables our cells to repair and our organs to rest. Importantly, it also allows our subconscious to reset, processing previous events in preparation for the conscious day that follows.
The irony is that if we are under emotional strain our sub-conscious will bubble and burden us through the night, leaving us with a less than fair deal in terms of recovery.
Here are my top tips for a beautiful restorative sleep.
How to find joy
Be a joy seeker in a grown-up world
I went for a dog walk with my friend this week. Midway through our chat and stroll, my nuts-for-netball pal shared with me the news that she’s been offered a managerial role with a premier league netball team. It’s such a lovely bit of news. I have no doubt that she’ll light a few fires and drive momentum. Brilliant.
“Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.“
Doug Firebaugh