Guide yourself into 2025
It might feel a bit premature, but with only 90 days left until 2025, it’s 100% the time to start your journey of reflection and onward planning. Keeping in line with the “90” theme, here’s a simple and solid way to self-coach yourself through this with a 90-minute journalling session, split into 3 simple windows.
Diarise 3 x 30 minutes with yourself, your notepad and pen. Settle yourself into a de-cluttered space at a time when you feel at ease. Perhaps this is first thing in the morning or in the lull when the day is ‘done’.
Session 1: Appreciate
When you are ready to get started, simply ask yourself these specific questions and in as much detail as you feel, scribe what comes to mind.
What went well for me in 2024?
What did I overcome?
What new thing have I added to the memory tank that I didn’t have there 12 months ago?
What strength did I display that I didn’t expect?
Where did I shine?
Which moments made my heart happy?
Go with it, be generous with your observations. Allow no criticism, just a healthy dose of self-appreciation and personal approval. Take the full 30-minutes to be with yourself. To ruminate, to smile, to acknowledge and reflect.
Session 2: Adjust
The following day repeat the process. If it’s two days later that works too. Don’t give yourself too loose a leash on this activity. The relevance and reason will magically disappear with the busy-ness of your life.
So, with a hot drink, notepad and pen, simply ask yourself these specific questions:
Where did I get in my own way in 2024?
What excuse did I use to avoid the thing I always want to achieve?
Where did I make myself small and what has it cost me?
If I could do it all again, what would I add in?
If I could re-write the script which part would I change?
What keeps coming up that I keep avoiding learning from?
Session 3: Align
This is where the magic happens. You’re now ahead of the curve. You are aware, connected and plugged in to what you did and what you missed out in the story of your life this year.
With an open heart and a positive mindset, take on the following questions. Make your answer full, rich, creative and happy ones. This is not about regret, it’s about positivity and progression:
What can I do with what I now know?
What help do I need to get where I want to be?
What was missing from my mindset in 2024?
What one thing can I do in the next 90 days will close my year positively?
What one thing can I do in the next 90 days that will line up a stronger start to 2025?
It is never too late to make the most of a day, a week, a month or a year. Even the tiniest of windows at the end of a day gives us space to stretch, land an idea, touch something, share something, tell someone words that can change their day.
If you can see the magical opportunity within small windows of time, this 90 day dive will feel like a new beginning to create something meaningful at the end of your year.
Let me know how this lands. Tell me how you get on.
Laura x