Helping you feel happier

Start your journey

Empowering coaching on life and lens

I want you to find a life with fulfilment, both personally and professionally. I want you to feel completely connected to your own values and dreams, knowing, loving and believing in yourself. I want to support you as you make changes to your life that give you the freedom to fly, whilst also improving the lens for the life that you already have.

It’s all about you

Do you connect with any of these?

I want to re-ignite my goals and dreams

I am struggling with purpose or passion

I can’t sustain a balanced perspective

I am overthinking, with low resilience

My motivation and drive is low

I have too much on my plate

My self-belief is waning

These feelings take you away from a sense of accomplishment and joy. They stop you living in the present moment and leave you with a constant hum of ‘not quite right-ness’.

Your life of fulfilment

Can you allow yourself to imagine this?

You feel deeply connected with your career

You have more patience and less anxiety

You’re comfortable with who you are

You feel energised and excited

You’re on the right path

You love the journey

You have faith in life

You deserve to wake each day feeling engaged and energised. You’re worth a healthy connection with yourself and others, knowing you’ve got a valued place in this world.

“Laura’s coaching approach is overflowing with kindness, compassion and a wisdom of life that I feel few have the ability to share. I really look forward to continuing to work with Laura in the future, I feel our journey has only just begun”.

Read more testimonials

January ‘25: My new 121 course is live

I have now hosted the course for 8 capable coaches and I’m releasing the next wave of spaces. The course includes 5 x 121 sessions, designed specifically for new or struggling coaches. Check out the link on the right.

A Complete Guide to Sales and Marketing A Complete Guide to Sales and Marketing
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A Complete Guide to Sales and Marketing

Five unforgettable hours that will arm you with the right skills to confidently market your coaching practice. Motivating and uplifting, you’ll feel engaged, energised and ready to get out there and make a difference.